Chris Pirillo wrote on Friday about his 10 ways to eliminate the echo chamber. His post contained some great ideas about how to get beyond the “A List”, so to speak, and look at some fresh ideas.
I’ve read several bloggers recently who say that they’ve trimmed down their feeds to something along the lines of 75 – 100 feeds and about how much time that this has saved them. And I get that.. but they are limiting the breadth of their information flow...
I read something on the case of 1500 or so feeds right now – some are a quick scan and I move on.. others I read in some detail. Most of the story ideas here on The Blog Herald and the other places I blog come from what I see in those feeds… Reading a diverse stream of information helps to keep our content fresh and interesting.
Even TechMeme has become somewhat stale to me. Why? Because almost every time Scoble or Arrington make a post, it winds up on TechMeme. In some ways, it’s ended up becoming the same sort of echo chamber that we find amongst the so-called “A List” or bloggers.
Keeping free of the Echo Chamber means having a diverse enough set of feeds and sources of information to stay fresh – it means seeking out new content – it means recognizing the little bloggers out there.
After all, we were all a little blogger once…
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