eBay Boycott Looms: Is the Power of Blogging Overstated?

eBay sellers are angry over the company’s decision to restructure its fee and feedback system, effective February 20. At the center of the Worldwide Buyer and Seller Strike proposed by bloggers, (which runs this week and urges no listing, no buying and no selling) is the auction giant’s decision to eliminate the ability to leave negative feedback for buyers. Sellers say that this change will leave them vulnerable to scamming bidders and buyers.

Blogging has become a medium wielding greater and greater influence, however, is the power of the blog overstated when it comes to influencing major policy change within a monster corporation?

If the past is any indication, bloggers’ efforts might fall on deaf ears. eBay has already countered by slashing insertion fees. And some play by mainstream media has fallen flat…so far.

See Also
Pandemic Early Closure

I believe in the power of press and in the power of the blog, but how much power do we really have?

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Picture of Andrew G.R.

Andrew G.R.

Andrew G.R. is the owner of Jobacle, a career advice and employment news blog and podcast designed to make work better. Follow him on Twitter.



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