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Design awards highlight brand identity excellence

Design awards highlight brand identity excellence

Brand Identity Excellence

The 2024 Design Awards celebrated remarkable work in the Branding & Identity arena. The category prioritizes not only extraordinary visual design systems but also their efficiency in representing a brand’s essential values. Showcasing impressive skill in merging aesthetics and functionality, all entries exemplified the brand’s spirit and targets via striking unified designs, facilitating brand recognition and boosting brand loyalty.

Contributions from both veteran design firms and budding newcomers made the winners’ selection a challenging but exciting task. An apparent fervor for creativity and innovation, coupled with strategic brand alignment, marked these entries, signifying the evolution of Branding & Identity design.

Chief Strategy Officer at Collins, Taamy Amaize, directed the judging panel. Renowned figures such as Alero Akuya from LEGO Group, Nermin Moufti from Field of Practice, and Nu Goteh from Room for Magic also formed the esteemed judging panel. Their combined expertise ensured a fair and thorough evaluation process.

In the Professional sector, the celebrated design firm Shuka clinched the top honor for their work on a custom vitamin delivery service.

Celebrating brand identity design excellence

This award stands as a testament to their unmatched expertise and skill not just in creating a user-friendly interface but also an appealing aesthetic for the service’s clients, setting them apart as leaders in the design industry.

Meanwhile, Jocelyn Ziying Zhao, a talented student from the Art Center College of Design, secured the award in the Student section for her exceptional skill and hard work. This award signifies a crucial step in Jocelyn’s academic journey.

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Logos, tailored typefaces, company renovate, and engaging ad campaigns form key elements in the Branding & Identity sector. Each of these components plays a pivotal role in transmitting the brand’s essence, making it distinctive. These elements, when they work together harmoniously, enhance the brand’s identity and presence in the market.

Drew LeVan, Jocelyn Ziying Zhao, Aitong Du & Qianyi Lin, and Handanu Ardhata emerged as winners in this category. All these esteemed winners are duly credited on the Official Design Awards website.

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