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Crosswind attends Texas emergency management conference

Crosswind attends Texas emergency management conference

"Texas Conference Crosswind"

Mark your calendars! May 28, 2024, sees Crosswind Media & Public Relations attending the Texas Emergency Management Conference in Austin, Texas. Setting up shop at Booth #642, the team plans to share their seasoned knowledge in crisis communication and discuss strategic tactics to elevate collaboration and preparedness for emergencies.

The conference is a cut-above-the-rest, recognized as the U.S.’s largest of its sort. Crosswind, specialists in crisis readiness, legal aid, and swift communication, are a testament to this. Their expertise spans various sectors including energy, defense, telecom, health, transport, and electronics. It’s their adaptability and commitment that underline their reputation as reliable and versatile partners in crisis management.

Thomas Graham, Crosswind’s rebellious founder, president, and CEO, celebrates the annual event as a glory to Texan heroes.

Crosswind brings crisis expertise to conference

With more than 3,500 decision-makers and front-line champions set to attend, the conference promises to be a powerhouse of information and technological advances in emergency management. Showcasing the latest in safety technology and strategy, the event provides attendees with a chance to share, learn, and improve their public safety approaches.

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The uniqueness of Crosswind lies in their CPR+ communications training, underlining their focus on active participation. Tasked with consulting on a variety of serious scenarios, their team’s diverse backgrounds allow them to provide expert advice and interventions on essential safety, security practices, and effective communication methods during a crisis. This holistic approach serves to equip businesses with the necessary capabilities to handle different unexpected situations.

The influence of Crosswind, one of the top regional PR agencies, extends far from Austin, Texas to a global audience. Specializing in brand management to crisis communication, their client base is impressively diverse, covering sectors like energy, infrastructure, entertainment, education, technology, and more. For a deeper dive into Crosswind and their services, feel free to get in touch with Aurora Silva, their Media Contact, at 281-900-3506.

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