Exciting news comes our way with the election of Cristina Capretta as the President of the Ohio School Public Relations Association’s board of directors. Capretta, who currently leads as the Community and Marketing Director for Berea City School District, carries an impressive reputation of commitment and dedication.
This election marks a new chapter of growth for Capretta, leaving everyone, from the board to the entire membership, thrilled about her incoming leadership. It’s no surprise considering her successful tenure as the director of partnerships.
As president, she is to lead a dynamic team of 11 public relations specialists, handpicked from across Ohio. Each unique in their perspective, they aim to advance the state’s educational sector’s communication and public relations strategies, guided by Capretta’s capable leadership.
For the unversed, the Ohio School Public Relations Association plays a crucial role in uniting PR practitioners. It provides resources and communication strategies to schools statewide and fosters collaboration among members, promoting an environment of shared experiences and best practices.
Additionally, the organization conducts regular workshops and seminars focusing on current trends in school public relations.
Capretta’s leadership journey in Ohio school PR
Its mission is to enhance PR skills whilst emphasizing the pivotal role schools play in the community. In short, the aim is to cultivate effective communication for meaningful relationships amongst schools, students, parents, and communities.
Under Capretta’s leadership, the board has a set path to promote and shape public education in Ohio. With her at the helm, the board aims to enhance education quality and elevate educational standards across the state. It’s a functional, progressive educational atmosphere we can look forward to, thanks to Capretta’s dedicated guidance.
Indeed, Capretta’s extensive experience and influential leadership are anticipated to advance public education. She is set to direct the future trajectory and mold the image of public education across the state. Here’s to an inspiring roadmap and a rejuvenated education system she is expected to construct for future generations.