Well, after a much bally-hoo’d wait, Chartreuse2 is up, and much like Duncan, I’m sitting on the fence with this one.
Chartreuse enters a whole new category of blog, which is supported by membership dues only (to the tune of $9.99/ mo). It goes one further, by also demanding its potential supplicants members to answer a few community-specific questions, such as “what is the webaddress of my ex-girlfriend turned mid-level call girl?”
Its attitude also boasts being “egotistical, audacious, and over the top”; specific features include new albums, foreign TV shows, instructions on using bit torrent (gasp! how positively 2001), and “other underground shit”.
My own snark censoring ability aside (and failing), I am very curious to know how this all pans out. Clearly Master Campbell has a built in audience that allows for him to create a sense of scarcity and exclusivity. Whether or not this manufactured “cool” will translate into bigger blogging bucks — and attract enough hype and traffic is merely speculative at this point.
But I’ll have to wait for giving a better opinion on this one.
I don’t think I’m cool enough to join in just yet.
Dr. Tony Hung blogs over at DeepJiveInterests
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