CenterNetworks has an interview up with up and coming blogger Corvida, better known as the blogger behind SheGeeks:
Allen: Toluu, FriendFeed, ReadBurner, RSSMeme, AlertThingy, etc. – what’s the deal? Which one(s) will make it and why?
Corvida: They’ll all make it. They all bring something to the table that everyone can benefit from. The big deal for services like Friendfeed and Toluu is the interaction with others. You can start some great connections and find really awesome content, websites, and services with tools like these. With ReadBurner and RSSmeme, they’re quick ways to stay up to date with the news as far as what’s hot and what may be the talk of the town at the moment. Apps like Alert Thingy and Twhirl are great desktop tools for services like Twitter and Friendfeed that bring a lot more flexibility, options, and features that you may not have on the homepage of these services. All in all, they can help with productivity, keep you up-to-date, all while helping you build and maintain the contacts and connections.
It’s a damn good read….
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