Darren Rowse has reported that blog network b5media will be holding a day of teaching before the BlogWorld Expo in Las Vegas officially kicks off.
The schedule on 7th November is as follows:
0915-1000: “How to Use Digg to Assplode Your Blog” – Brian Clark/Aaron Brazell
1015-1100: “Thriving as a B-List Blogger” – Jeremy Wright/Allen Stern
1115-1145: “Creating a Powerblogging Toolset” – Marshall Kirkpatrick/Tris Hussey
1200-1230: “Amping Up Your Wordpress Blog” – Brian Layman/Mark Jaquith
1430-1515: “Survival Tips for Network Bloggers” – Leora Zellman/Mary Jo Manzanares
1530-1615: “Creating Conversations With Your Readers” – Alex Hillman/Jake McKee
1700-1800: Private update session for b5media staff and bloggers
I’m intrigued about “assploding” my blog – I think there’s an in-joke there I’m not familiar with.
The day is free to anyone attending the Expo.