Are we still getting good tips from Google?

The growing discussion on the blogosphere whether Google has already crossed the line of self-promoting its own products and services started out at Blake Ross’ entry on “Tip: Trust is hard to gain, easy to lose“.

Google blogger Matt Cutts agrees that it’s already kinda irritating especially when the tips aren’t that relevant or poorly targeted.

It’s actually more disconcerting especially for those companies who have competing products with Google. I went in and tried several keywords — including the search term “wordpress blog” as though I wanted to create a free blog on See what Google suggested I use instead:

Google Tip

See Also
Business Decisions

Surely, the top spot should really belong to but Google wants the searcher to try Blogger instead. Now, that should be a cause for concern for the other Matt.

So ok, people are already used to Adsense for search but those are labeled as such — sponsored links. It’s one thing to say this link is paid for by an advertiser and another if it’s Google’s personal recommendation.

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Abe Olandres



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