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Al Fardan Properties boosts online visibility with A2Z Media

Al Fardan Properties boosts online visibility with A2Z Media

Fardan Online Visibility

Doha-based real estate firm Al Fardan Properties has collaborated with digital marketing agency A2Z Media to strengthen its online presence and attract potential customers. The leading company has entrusted A2Z Media with the development and management of their website and social media platforms to maximize online visibility.

Given the competitive Qatari property market, Al Fardan Properties is keen on improving organic search traffic conversion which translate to valuable leads and customer enquiries. The company has employed effective digital marketing strategies including Search Engine Optimization (SEO) techniques, keyword targeting and link building to enhance visibility and ranking in search results.

A2Z Media’s role encompassed keyword optimization, identification of effective keywords aligned with the company’s business, coupled with content creation that respond to user’s search intent. The agency also kept track of performance metrics, adjusted SEO strategies and did an elaborate study on market trends, competitors and dynamics of the real estate industry.

The agency carried out a thorough SEO audit to rectify any SEO-related deficiencies on Al Fardan’s website. This was followed by various SEO strategies such as site navigation improvement, content optimization, and site speed up to uplift Al Fardan’s visibility on search engine platforms.

Al Fardan’s online presence enhancement with A2Z Media

A2Z Media also performed targeted keyword research and application to enhance Al Fardan’s online presence.

The dedicated SEO strategy saw a substantial performance improvement with total clicks increasing by around 23.19%, revealing more users visiting Al Fardan’s website. The average session duration also increased by 19.75%, suggesting longer user engagement on the site. Additionally, there was a 31.20% decrease in the website’s bounce rate and a 27.45% increase in organic traffic, demonstrating effective user interaction and the pivotal role of optimization in search results respectively.

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A2Z Media, a reputable marketing consultancy and agency, is known for its custom services that enhance business marketing effectiveness, particularly in the Middle East. The firm provides an array of services including customer engagement initiatives, digital marketing strategies and it boasts a track record of improving customer penetration and brand visibility.

The firm offers personalized and innovative solutions to meet specific business objectives. By adopting a holistic approach to marketing that combines conventional methods with current digital trends, A2Z Media is able to boost online presence, increase brand recognition, and stimulate business expansion for their clients.

To sum up, A2Z Media acts as more than just a marketing agency; it aims to be an indispensable ally in their clients’ journey towards growth and profit maximization. Their commitment to deliver measurable outcomes and an improved return on investment make them a trusted business growth partner in the Middle East.

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