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Agency promotes positive content with ‘Optimism Your Feed’

Agency promotes positive content with ‘Optimism Your Feed’

'Optimism Feed'

New York-based agency, TBWA\Chiat\Day NY, recently introduced a project called ‘Optimism Your Feed’. This global initiative aims to influence social media algorithms in a way that prioritizes positive and uplifting content over negative.

The current social media landscape often floods users with negative or pessimistic news. ‘Optimism Your Feed’ presents a refreshing change, focusing on promoting mental well-being and a supportive online environment. By engaging more with positive posts, users can help push social platforms toward a more optimistic model.

A successful change in the social media landscape could enhance the mental attitudes and behaviors of users, making online discussions and interactions healthier. Many influencers and social media experts support this initiative, contributing to a positivity-boosting video playlist.

Influencers like Tina Choi, Victoria Browne, and Josh Harmon have come together in this endeavor. They have used their unique style and genre to create content that can make users feel better. This collaboration is expected to be a hit considering the individual strengths each influencer brings.

Research indicates that around 45% of social media users find their feeds filled with negativity. Approximately 28% experience a rise in anxiety levels from interacting with such content.

Promoting positivity through ‘Optimism Your Feed’

An additional 20% report feeling dissatisfied as a result.

Technology ethicist, Casey Fiesler, emphasized that the potential negative effects of unregulated algorithms need attention. This highlights the necessity of digital literacy education and understanding algorithmic influence. Fiesler advocates for regulation of these algorithms and more transparency from tech companies.

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The project’s promotional video challenges the idea that social media is inherently negative. Victoria Browne discusses the impact of social media algorithms on mental wellbeing and the need for uplifting, human-connection content. Influencer Mitali Desai resonates with this approach, encouraging self-expression and remaining authentic.

The initiative sends a clear message: positivity on social media is possible and achievable. With active engagement in uplifting content, everyone can contribute to a more upbeat social media environment.

The ‘Optimism Your Feed’ playlist can be found on platforms such as TikTok and YouTube. It includes a variety of uplifting content, aiming to boost mood and promote optimism, positivity, and well-being. It’s no wonder that it’s gaining popularity amongst users who are seeking a more balanced, positive digital experience.

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