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How to Do Email Marketing in 2020: A Beginner’s Guide

How to Do Email Marketing in 2020: A Beginner’s Guide

Digital marketers are always on their toes looking after powerful and successful techniques to generate more leads and make more conversions. Trends come and go, but email marketing remains the most common method of digital communication worldwide.

According to research conducted by Statista, the Google email service had 1.5 billion active users worldwide in 2018. Predictions are that by the end of 2023 there will 4.4 billion users of email

With the evolution of AI and chatbots, emails did not lose their cool, because they are still one of the most effective digital marketing tools, with 4,300% ROI according to HubSpot.

As we shift from desktop to portable technology, mobile email marketing is one of the focus points for all marketers and small business owners who are doing their own marketing. 

In this Beginner’s guide, we will show you the basic rules of email marketing in 2020, with some insightful tips and examples from well-known marketers.

Basics Tools For Creating Good Email Marketing in 2020

Email service providers

There are a few basic tools when it comes to email marketing. For starters, you need to have the right email service which suits the needs of your company and the number of subscribers. 

There are many cloud-based email marketing software with trial periods or lower rates for businesses or blogs with shorter email lists. Explore the possibilities and start from simple and cheap solutions, and upgrade software regularly to stay in the game.

Art of Creating an Email List

After choosing an email service, the first step of your email marketing strategy is creating a subscriber list. Use pop-up or an elegant banner on the front page, and strive to find a balance between being friendly and being pushy. Play smart and offer discounts or exclusive access to some areas of the website in return for subscribing. 

Be prepared for answers

While you are building an email list, a reliable CRM system can help with creating a customer-centered marketing strategy, and allow you to create email templates for specific types of audience. This cloud-based technology can also help you organize, and keep track of your vendors, suppliers, buyers and sale opportunities. If you have a small business, you can find great CRM systems and use it for free until you hire more people. 

The Power of Follow Up Email 

As we mentioned earlier, the ROI (the return for investment)  for emails is very high. If the email is well optimized and sent to the right list of people at the right moment, they will respond with a reaction. Sometimes they will just visit the website, and some of them will make a purchase.  If a person makes any kind of action on your website, you need to have a professional confirmation email and that can also be automated and personalized. 

That way you can thank your buyers, or you can remind them that there is something in their e-basket. You can also get the data from Google Analytics and explore what was interesting to those who came to your website and create special templates for them.

It may sound that email marketing is like sending a rocket into space, but in fact, it is quite simple. If you pay attention to the needs of your audience and use the right tools, you can stay safe from the “unsubscribe” button. 

Set Up an Email Template

In 2020 responsive emails that can be answered on any device will improve the chances of opening emails. According to Wow Local Marketing, 52% of customers are less likely to engage with a company because of bad mobile experience. This data is backed up with this survey from the Econsultancy website which shows almost the same results.

All in all responsive emails are must-have in 2020, and it is not just about customer experience. It also gives you time to dedicate and master your writing skills, branding, and personalization of emails. 

To save time and other resources, marketers will use templates that can be branded and personalized. Look for templates that have a lot of options for personal    

Practice Persuasive Writing

Emails from brands can be marked as spam if you are not paying attention to details. Think about formating, bulletins, short paragraphs, and responsive design. Focus on crafting fun and smart stories and try to be wise about using jargon in your copy. 

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For example, if you are selling clothes for women, you can share with them how to calculate bra size and help them in purchasing your products online. 

If you need help with the content subscribe to emails of your competitors, learn from them but never copy.  Use it as inspiration, and try to be different and clear. Basically just practice writing, especially persuasive writing. because in 2020 brands who fail to deliver, will not get another chance.  

Let them breathe

Email marketing is a way of direct communication with your future or regular customers, and it should be treated as any form of human relationship. Even if you personalize, and write quality and persuasive emails, the user may mark your email as spam if you start sending emails every single day. Pick a perfect day, and find the right rhythm but stay consistent because it can increase trust.

When we speak about space, I must mention the importance of clarity, and space around your “Call to action” button. Since most of your users will open emails on their tablets or phones, be careful, and don’t put too many links around important buttons such as link toward your website. 

Try to be concise and clear because minimalism is still a very popular design and communication trend.

Wrap Up

Next year we will certainly have more and more users of email, and as we mentioned they will mostly use portable devices. That is why all companies and brands must focus on responsive and mobile-friendly design. 

Do your homework, and read respectable blogs in order to learn tips and tricks, and try to get to know your customers. You can even take a break from emails that are created just for sales, and use them for gathering opinions from people who are your subscribers.

Content will still rank high on the list of priorities in email marketing strategy, and well-written copy mixed with perfect targeting should be your main priority if you are new in using email as a marketing tool.

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