“I’d rather have a blog in front of me than a frontal loblogomy.” – who knows? (Aaron?)
What’s blogging without a little ambivalence?
Without further ado, we present to you the 7 most frustrating “Would you rather?” questions, blogging style.
1. Would you rather the worst blog post you’ve ever written stay on the front page of Digg for a week or the best blog post you’ve ever written get zero Diggs?
There’s no such thing as a dumb WYR question. Right?
2. Would you rather have the last 30 seconds of your life or the first 30 seconds shown on video via your blog?
I guess it depends on how well the world knows your mother.
3. Would you rather blog exclusively about blogging or not blog at all?
Navel-gazing vs. having no navel. You do have one, don’t you?
4. Would you rather have the ugliest blog design and the best content on earth or the most beautiful blog design and the lamest content?
Hang on. Are you sure?
5. Would you rather that your blog be featured on Oprah every day for a week or linked to at the Google homepage for one hour?
No screeching legions of fans available with the Google option. Not sure if that’s appealing.
6. Would you rather have the most popular blog in the world but no blog revenue or the most profitable blog but no fans?
Love vs. Money. Hmmm.
7. Would you rather stop breathing or stop blogging?
- 5 zodiac signs who seem sweet but have a savage side when provoked - My Inner Creative
- My children resented me because I was never the parent they needed. Healing our relationship became my rewarding experience yet - Hack Spirit
- I was convinced my low-income upbringing defined me, but learning how to handle money mindfully turned my past disadvantage into a future strength. - NewsReports
Warning: If you’re not sure, try the second one first.
Your Turn
Got a “Would you rather?” blogging question you’d like to share?
Would you rather post it in the comments below or at your own blog? ;)
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