A WordPress review – what happened this year? Excitement builds for WordPress 2.4 coming in January. WordPress.com nominated for the TechCrunch Crunchies. Popular WordPress blogger hacked – brings you the tips and techniques learned the hard way. Lots of WordPress events for your 2008 calendar. WordPress.com blogger wins top honors. And WordPress.com gets snow.
WordPress News
What Happened to WordPress in 2007: Weblog Tools Collections offers a WordPress Review for 2007, creating a timeline for progress on WordPress.
It also includes a list of what’s coming up for WordPress 2.4 which includes the new Administration Panel redesign with a Widget-based Dashboard Panel, undo for comment editing, search of both posts and Pages, and even more.
Vote for WordPress: TechCrunch Crunchies Awards list WordPress among the “Most Likely to Succeed” nominees with an eclectic bunch including Zivity, Slide, Mint, and Kayak, totally unrelated sites. Very odd combination to choose from and no clarification that the vote is for WordPress.com not WordPress overall, but your vote for WordPress is always welcome by the WordPress Community. Automattic CEO, Toni Schneider is nominated for Best start-up CEO, so cast a vote there, too. Can someone tell me why WordPress.com isn’t listed in the Best overall category?
Akismet Updated: Akismet has been updated to version 2.1.2 and has several new features including filtering by comment type and the addition of Plugin hooks.
More WordPress Cache: Perishable Press has published “How to Enable the Default WordPress Object Cache”, an indepth look at site performancing issues related to how WordPress handles cache, as well as exploring caching WordPress Plugins, to control and fine tune the traffic load on the site.
WordPress on Your Calendar: Are you involved with a WordPress group or club in your area? Make sure you announce meetings on the WordPress Meetup list and let me know so I can help promote your group’s activities. The first Manchester WordPress User Group in England has formed and their first meeting is in January. Maybe it’s time you started a WordPress group in your area?
Here are some WordPress-related dates and events to put on your calendar as found on the WordPress Roadmap and the WordPress Meetup Group Listings (subject to change):
- The New York City WordPress December Meetup – December 15, 2007
- Austin WordPress Meetup, Texas – December 18, 2007
- The Baltimore-Washington WordPress December Meetup – December 22, 2007
- Manchester England WordPress User Group at MDDA – Jan 16, 2008
- The New York City WordPress January Meetup – January 19, 2008
- WordPress 2.4 Released – January 24, 2007
- The Baltimore-Washington WordPress January Meetup – January 26
- WordCamp Hamburg – January 26-27, 2008
- WordCamp Dallas – March 29-30, 2008
- WordPress 2.5 – May 24, 2008
- WordCamp 2008 in San Francisco – July 2008 (waiting confirmation)
If you are having a WordPress-related event that isn’t on the calendar, post them below or via email.
WordPress 2.4 Digest: This week, Westi reported that the holiday slacking is not in evidence with WordPress developers as they race the clock for the January release of WordPress 2.4. Improvements and chances included introduction of a pluggable function to the set password function and addition of the password strength meter to the user profile page, changes to the is_page()
tag to allow for an array of pages, faster rewrite rules for permalinks, fixes to TinyMCE and the tag entry field, addition of the title sanitation routine to permit a 0 (zero) to be a valid title, improvements in relative links in Atom comment feeds, addition of a link to the post on the Comment Panel, ensuring PNG transparency and alpha channels are preserved during creation of thumbnails, and improvements to the installation process for checks of valid database connection info.
The week before, WordPress developers added support for Atom Threading Extensions, documentation for deprecated functions and the taxonomy API, more improvements in usability and layout of the Comment Moderation Panel, auto-saving now includes tags, more improvements to the importer and exporter, fixes to allow multiple sidebars to be registered correctly, a new filter added called the_content_export
for exporting post content, supression of database error messages by default, introduction of a pluggable function for random password generation, and more.
WordPress Security News: Another popular blogger was hacked this week, adding to the growing number of famous, not-so-famous, and anyone bloggers who have been hacked because they failed to upgrade WordPress and monitor security risks.
The most recent news on WordPress security includes:
- Simple Thoughts Blog was hacked this week and the author sets out a very detailed explanation on how it was hacked and how to protect your WordPress blog from hackers.
- Wordpress ZeroDay Vulnerability Roundhouse Kick, a remarkable article on WordPress security vulnerabilities, has been updated to include vulnerabilities in Akismet as well.
- Two WordPress Plugins have been found to have security vulnerabilities by Blog Security. WordPress PictPress File is recommended to be immediately disabled util an update can be found. An HTML Injection Vulnerability has been found in the popular WP-ContactForm WordPress Plugin. Hopefully, an update will be available soon.
- Ryan Boren reports on “Secure Cookies and Passwords”, improvements to WordPress 2.4 to feature new formats for authentication cookies and password hashing algorithm to improve blog security.
- 20f1aeb7819d7858684c898d1e98c1bb by Donncha O’Caoimh includes tips on keeping your blog safe from new hackers attacking blog passwords on WordPress and WordPressMU blogs.
- Blog Security – Wordpress 2.3.1 Charset SQL Injection Vulnerability
- Blog Security – WordPress 2.3.1 SQL Injection Vulnerability
To check your blog’s security, try WPIDS – WordPress Intruder Detection System and WP Scanner WordPress Plugin.
WordPress Podcast: A new episode of the WordPress Podcast is out. Episode 32: Automattic Rumors, Lorelle Provides WordPress.com News includes an interview with Jonathan Bailey of Plagiarism Today and the Blog Herald discussing copyright issues and content theft, rumors of Automattic’s financial ventures, the WordPress.com Premium Theme Marketplace, and Lorelle joining as a reporter for news on WordPress.com.
Looking for WordPress Books? WPThemesPlugin offers a summary of the WordPress books published over the past couple years. The list includes my book, Blogging Tips (which is about blogging not WordPress specifically), WordPress 2 Visual QuickStart Guide, WordPress Complete, and the new WordPress For Dummies, among others.
Moving from Blogger to WordPress? I recently wrote an easy step-by-step tutorial on moving from Blogger to WordPress or WordPress.com.
Vote for WordPress Ideas: Want your say in the next version of WordPress? The WordPress Ideas section on WordPress is an open forum for you to have your say. Why not take advantage of it and add your voice to the vote.
Last Week’s WordPress Wednesday News: Last week’s WordPress Wednesday News report covered Akismet Day, Two Million Bloggers, Plugin Security Warnings, And WordPress is the Best CMS, if you would like to catch up with the news on WordPress.
WordPress.com News
Snow for the WordPress.com Holidays: WordPress.com brought snow to you for the holidays by adding a snow effect over the WordPress.com pages. If you would like to add your own falling snow effect, go to your WordPress Administration Panels > Presentation > Extras and check the box that ways “Snow falling on my blog” and it will last until January 2nd.
Avatars on Administration Panels: WordPress.com added avatars to the Administration Panels so you can see a tiny thumbnail of the blogger in the Dashboard’s post lists and Comments Panel comments, and elsewhere. The images are very tiny, which makes faces and a lot of graphics really hard to see, but the younger folks love those avatars and gravatars, mini-visual representatives of them and their blog. Those with Gravatars tied into their email account, even those not signed up with WordPress.com, will have their Gravatars shown on their blog comments.
If you haven’t uploaded your avatar yet, go to Users > Your Profile and add your image. The image should be no bigger than 128 pixels, though 80 pixels square is the standard. The image must withstand “shrinkage” down to 16 pixels, the size that appears on the Administration Panels Dashboard.
WordPress.com Food Blog Wins: The 2007 Food Blog Award Winners have been announced and Bittersweet Blog was selected for the Best Food Blog for Writing. Congrats!
Improved Stats Charts: WordPress.com announced improvements in the blog statistics charts which allow you to load new charts “instantly”, as well as adding a few style improvements, like telling you which day was your best day of traffic.
WordPress.com Users Get Better Feed Widgets: WordPress.com announces Enhanced Feeds, Feed Widgets which add feed links to your blog posts covering comment counts, categories, tags, del.icio.us, Digg It, and Stumble It. Some of these aren’t feed links as much as they are site submission links, also called social networking links, but the first three appear to be feeds from comments and post-specific categories and tags.
WordPress.com Now 2 Million Strong: WordPress.com counted two million blogs signed up Tuesday. Congrats all!
What’s Hot on WordPress.com? The hottest blogs on WordPress.com were:
- CNN Political Ticker
- Lolcats ‘n’ Funny Pictures – I Can Has Cheezburger?
- POPSEOUL! entertainment, style and beauty in seoul
- GretaWire
- 5 Elementos – Feng Shui y Astrología China
- Club Penguin Cheats l Glitches l Secrets
- Loldogs ‘n’ Cute Puppy Pictures – I Has A Hotdog!
- strange maps
- Les Amateurs de Stars
- PocketMovies.cz
The hottest blog posts on WordPress.com were:
- Top 7 POPSEOUL! Fools and Tools
- Clinton closes gap with Bush as nation’s ‘Most Admired Man’
- Tarkan – Metamorfoz (2007)
- Tiger Attack
- ¿Conocías… timer-applet?
- ur xmaz preznt
- Federica Pellegrini a diffusée les images de Laure Manaudou nue
- La SGAE…
New To WordPress.com: If you are new to blogging on WordPress.com, check out this basic guide on What Do I Do With My New Wordpress.com Blog?.
WordPress Plugins and Themes News
Loving the WordPress Extend Plugins Directory: Ronald Huereca on Weblog Tools Collection wrote “WordPress Extend Plugins: I Love Thee“, a review of the recently created “official” WordPress Plugin Directory called WordPress Extend Plugins. I agree with most of his points that it’s better, but there is still a long way to go in improving this service to make it more usable and user-friendly.
Role Manager WordPress Plugin Updated: Role Manager WordPress Plugin has been updated and includes new security improvements. It now features four panels for controlling the roles, capabilities, and general information, as well as a help page. Names for roles and capabilities are restricted to a maximum length of 30 signs, existing roles can be easily copied, and many other new features and improvements have been added.
Update Subscribe to Comments Plugin: Donncha reports that a bug was found in the popular Subscribe to Comments WordPress Plugin by Mark Jaquith. Please update this Plugin immediately.
Fast Updating: Worried about updating WordPress? The InstantUpgrade WordPress Plugin makes the process simple and easy.
Interesting WordPress Plugins: Some interesting WordPress Plugins I’ve stumbled across recently include:
- Video Embedder WordPress Plugin is another Plugin for embedding video in your WordPress blog and works with YouTube and Google Video. It allows easy changing of video dimensions and other interesting features.
- HRW Tag Cloud Widget creates a tag cloud with most popular posts displayed by font size for the built-in tagging in WordPress 2.3+.
- aStickyPostOrderER WordPress Plugin permits re-arranging the order that WordPress displays posts by category, tag, or overall.
- TDO Tag Fixes WordPress Plugin uses the information Ryan Boren published on taxonomy intersections and unions to create a intersection based category and tag archive and handle multiple tags. It’s meant as an example, but there are many ways this Plugin can be developed.
- Add Alt WordPress Plugin adds empty Alt attributes to images in your WordPress blog posts if you forget. Just don’t forget. :D
- CommentMailer WordPress Plugin lets commenters know when you’ve replied to comments in the comments section of your post by emailing them.
- Category Description Editor WordPress Plugin adds category descriptions to the top of each Category pageview on your WordPress blog using the descriptions added in the Category Panel.
Finding WordPress Plugins: For more WordPress Plugins see the official WordPress Plugin Directory, the WordPress Plugins Database, and Weblog Tools Collection of WordPress Plugins released daily.
WordPress Techniques and Tips
Here are some featured articles and videos from around the WordPress Community and the WordPress Codex, the online manual for WordPress Users, the source to turn to first for your WordPress help.
NOTE: If you would like your WordPress tip and technique included in this list, see Tips For Writing Good WordPress Tips and Writing and Publishing Code In Your WordPress Blog Posts.
- “Hiding” WordPress Installation Files
- Install WordPress Locally on Windows XP with XAMPP (easy)
- Likoma Videos – Simple Page Edit in WordPress
- WebPro News – WordPress And CMS: How To Make It Work
- Constructing a WordPress Plugin Admin Panel
- 11 Principles to Design a Great WordPress Theme
- Daily Blog Tips: Organize Your Categories
- Tom Raftery with Matt Mullenweg and Donncha O’Caoimh Interview Podcast
WordPress Community News
Buy WordPress Stuff: The WordPress Shop has t-shirts and hoodies for sale in the WordPress Shop.
Need Help With WordPressMU? Work is ongoing to improve the WordPressMU documentation on the WordPress Codex. If you need help and information on WordPressMU, start there.
WordPress Installed For Free: If you have problems installing the full version of WordPress, visit Installing WordPress for Free (aka Install4Free WordPress). This free, volunteer-driven service is limited to personal blogs only, and they help only with installations, not upgrades.
Using WordPress in Your Blog’s Name: WordPress is a trademark and you are not allowed to use WordPress in your blog’s name or URL unless you have permission of Automattic and WordPress. Also, remember, it’s spelled “WordPress” not “Wordpress”. Oh, and Plugin is Plugin, not plug-in (what you put into a wall electrical socket).
Looking for a WordPress Expert? WordPress Consultants on Automattic is a list of experts you can hire to help you with WordPress Themes, WordPress development, WordPress Plugins, or other WordPress-related expertise. Also see the WordPress Jobs listings, and the WP-Pro mailing list.
If You Are Reading This: If you are reading this blog post NOT on the Blog Herald or from within your feed reader, it is being used against the copyright policy of the copyright owners. Please report it immediately so action may be taken to break some heads and feed scraping blogs.
Even More WordPress News?
Past WordPress Wednesday News Reports
- WordPress Wednesday News: Akismet Day, Two Million Bloggers, Plugin Security Warnings, And WordPress is the Best CMS
- WordPress Wednesday News: WordPress Theme Viewer Waits, New Social Network, Security Issues, Austin Grows, Gravatars Enabled, WordPress Books, Matt Cutts, and More
- WordPress Wednesday News: WordPress Themes Hacked, WordPress Schwag for Sale, Life Without Akismet, Flickr Edits, and New WordPress Baby
- WordPress Wednesday News: Will You Turn Off Akismet? WordPress 2.4 Delayed, and More WordPress News
- WordPress Wednesday News: WordCamp Melbourne Sold Out Success, WordPress 2.4 Delayed, Security News, Rumors and Scams, and More
WordPress News Sources
- WordPress Planet
- WordPress Development Blog
- WordPress.com Blog
- Weblog Tools Collection
- BloggingPro’s WordPress News and Tips
- The WordPress Podcast
- Lorelle on WordPress
- Planet WordPress from Planet Ozh
Each Wednesday on Blog Herald is WordPress Wednesday, featuring the news around the WordPress Community. If you have a WordPress news item or tip to suggest, please contact me at this special email address: lorelleonwordpress@gmail.com
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