Google Analytics App On My iPhone?

Google Analytics, a powerful traffic stats tool used by many bloggers now has an iPhone app thanks to the code gurus over at Zap Bang Done.

Called Analytics Pro, this iPhone App allows users to easily view their graphs, charts and “geo-maps” without having to log into your computer.

Since some might consider this app to be rather pricey (as it’s currently on sale for $3.99), here is a brief review of this app (revealing it’s glory as well as it’s short comings).

The Good

What impressed me the most about Analytics Pro was its impressive visual display.

Instead of simply displaying numbers, equations and data at me (which only Microsoft Excel freaks find exciting) they show your Google Analytics charts along with your data, which helps give you a visual picture on just how great (or not) your blog is doing.

Another cool feature that I loved about Analytics Pro was that it allows you to zoom in upon the “pages” by pinching the area you want to see.

Users can also view their charts/data upon multiple profiles attached to their Google Analytics account, as well as move beyond the basic dashboard to something specific (i.e. check out the strength of your various landing pages).

Not only can users see all their reports, traffic sources, search engine juice (aka which keywords are bringing them the most traffic) but they can also adjust the time frame as well (a feature that will please those obsessed with Google Analytic stats).

The Bad

While I was very impressed with the overall layout and function, there were a few items that I found to be slightly irritating (at least to me).

The first was the overall layout of the “pages.” While Analytics Pro does an excellent job in displaying your graphs in charts, I was not too thrilled with the fact that I had to scroll “up and down” in order to view the data (as right to left via book form might be better).

See Also

Also irritating was the lack of landscape mode, which I felt was needed for the application.

Last but not least was the inability to email your data elsewhere (as you may not always have a time to pull out a computer while on the go).

Aspiring Rivals?

Analytics Pro does have one aspiring rival by Felix Lamouroux called myAnalytics which is also priced at $3.99.

While myAnalytics does display your data with a basic graph and chart, it (currently) lacks the eye candy of its more colorful competitor (which may cause users to defect towards Analytics Pro).


Whether your a Google Analytics Guru or a newbie to the world of stats and info, you will probably appreciate Analytics Pro’s approach to Google Analytics (which I found easier to use than Google’s Analytics site online).

For those of you cautious about spending $4 (minus a penny) for yet another iPhone App, Zap Bang Done has provided a lite version (called Analytics) which they can demo for free before deciding whether upgrading to Pro is worth it for them.

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Picture of Darnell Clayton

Darnell Clayton

Darnell Clayton is a geek who discovered blogging long before he heard of the word "blog" (he called them "web journals" then). When he is not tweeting, friendfeeding, or blogging about space, he enjoys running, reading and describing himself in third person.



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