Need to put your blog on the map? Trying to get the attention of important sites and search engines? Need a new look that will immediately set your site apart? Performancing is leveraging their team of experts to offer a group of services for large-scale clients that addresses every aspect of blog design, management and promotion.
The first service is called Social Media Marketing. This service will drive massive traffic to your site through viral content designed to gain links from major sites and put you at the top of the search engines and social media sites.
The second service is called Blog Management Services. Under this heading are 3 services: Blog Launch, Blog Reboot and Blog Maintenance. These options include design, implementation, management, writing, promotion, etc. that will maximize the effectiveness of your blog
The third service is called Authority Builder. Establishing your site as an authority is key, and this 12 month plan will provide all you need to accomplish just that. Including monthly social media campaigns, blog redesign and exposure to mainstream media among other things, it is a complete package that will ensure your online success.
Even if you’re not in a position to take advantage of these services, it’s a good site to look over for ideas and areas to focus on that will take your site to the next level. It’s also a good example of how networking and teaming up with other bloggers and online professionals can create business opportunities that one person alone could not accomplish.
{disclaimer: the BlogHerald and Performancing are both owned by Splashpress Media}
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