I know that I have a lot of days where I do not think I have one good idea left in my brain. I have thought about every relevant blog post under the sun I could possibly ever write. There is no new news that is relevant to my blog niche and I am just in a rut. I know that a successful blog needs to have consistent posts, but I am just flat out of ideas. I know that in order for my blog to remain profitable I need to keep readers interested, but I just do not feel like I have anything interesting left to say.
Well, in order to fight this attack of the borings, I came up with a few blog post ideas to get me back on the right path. While all these ideas may not match your blog’s niche topic or audience, if you think about them long enough I am sure you can twist them to make them fit for your needs. Without further ado, here are 12 unusual and inspired ideas for blog posts for you to consider:
Did you know that United States scientists calculated that Santa Claus would have to visit 822 homes every second to deliver all the presents on Christmas Eve? That would require some very fast reindeer! Holidays are always a popular topic for blog posts. Maybe you want to share your childhood memories, your holiday plans, decorating ideas, recipes, or other tips for the holidays. Maybe you can write about how commercial holidays have become or the history of the occasion. There are tons of possible blog posts for every holiday and they are very pertinent if you get them out on time!
Did you know that famous singer Elvis Presley got a C in his 8th grade music class? Well, neither do your readers! Celebrities always make for great blog post topics. Even if they are only mentioned vaguely, it will still get readers in to read whatever you wrote about. It is sort of sneaky, but it works. You can also tie in celebrities to things they promote, ideas they back, political parties and more. It is easy to get celebrity names on your blog posts and make them still pertinent to your niche.
Did you know that Sir Isaac Newton died a virgin? You see, history does not have to be boring! Make history come alive in blog posts that uncover unusual facts, talk about long forgotten people, or question what the textbooks taught us. You can use history to connect with modern things or just talk about facts and figures that interest you. You can even uncover facts you would have otherwise never come across and neither would your readers. You know what they say; those who do not learn from history are doomed to repeat it!
Did you know that all Las Vegas gambling casinos have no clocks or windows because they do not want people to know if it is day or night outside? That seems a bit sneaky to me, but things like gambling, drinking, clubs, and parties really seem to bring in the readers. Your blog posts can be for that or against it or somewhere in between, but talking about the nightlife is sure to bring in new readers to your blog. Maybe you have a great drink recipe to share, a club you would want others to check out, or a casino that they just need to see to believe. Capitalize on the flashing lights and loud music and make the most of this topic for your blog.
Did you know that giraffes have tongues that are about twenty one inches long and they use their tongues to clean their ears? Gross! While it may disgust you, gross things make for great blog posts. If you can make people look twice at a blog topic or title, they will definitely want to come check it out. I do not know what it is about people, but we seem to want to pick open the scabs of life and stare at the pus underneath. Ew. I just made my own stomach turn.
Did you know that humans and bananas share about half of the same DNA? That means that humans are fifty percent identical to bananas! Weird facts aside, food is a great topic for blog posts. Pictures of food do really well, even if it is just homemade meals. From original recipes to restraint reviews, to garden veggie growing tips, food makes for interesting reading. You can even share how to save money on food, grow your own food, or eat out for less. Food is something that everyone needs, so it is a great topic for your blog.
Did you know that there are only two countries in the whole world that do not sell Coca-Cola? Those countries are North Korea and Cuba. No surprise there, but just throwing a popular brand name like Coke into your post will automatically make your blog post more popular. People love (and search for ) brands. If you can exploit those brands to your advantage then all the better. Stretch your imagination and integrate popular brands in your blog posts. You will not be disappointed at the results.
– Did you know that Mahatma Gandhi, peaceful protester of India, once wrote a letter to his “dear friend”, Nazi Adolf Hitler, urging him not to go to war? This quote and others like it make for great blog post starters. If you can find a quote that inspires you to write then you will get a lot done. Inspire others with uplifting quotes, open your reader’s eyes with insightful quotes, or make your followers laugh with humorous quotes. You do not always have to reinvent the wheel. Let others do the hard work for you and reap the benefits.
Did you know that the wedding ring goes on the left ring finger because it is the only finger with a vein that connects to the heart? It does not have to be near Saint Valentine’s Day for you to write about love, relationships, and romance. People love to read about love and you can use that. Relationships are a huge part of everyone’s life. If you have tips, experiences, or ideas to share than by all means do so. Your readers will enjoy a glimpse into your personal life and will also appreciate a look into your experiences and learning process.
Did you know that everything a user says to Siri on the iPhone is sent directly to Apple and recorded? Technology and gadgets are a huge market place and a very popular blog post topic. People love to hear about the latest cool toys that come up and new ways to use the toys they already have. From big brands like Apple and Microsoft to applications and graphic design, technology is a huge and fruitful blog topic to write on.
Did you know that the letter U was first used as a substitute for the word you by William Shakespeare? Writing about writing is nothing new. People have been doing it forever. Maybe you read the newest bestseller and want to review it. Maybe you just have a beef with the grammar of the average person on Facebook. Whatever topic you pick, writing about writing never gets old.
Did you know that Donald Duck cartoons were banned from Finland because he does not wear any pants? From comics to cartoons to collectable dolls and toys, nostalgia pays off big. If you have memories from your childhood that you like to share or things you remember being around or using, feel free to write about it. After all, black and white television sets are definitely something that kids today have no idea once existed.
You do not have to keep writing about the same old things. Spice up your blog posts with these great and inventive ideas and start enjoying writing again. All it takes is a little thought and a lot of creativity to make a blog post that is both pertinent and popular. Good luck and have fun writing!
This post was written by Ken Myers, the founder of Longhorn Leads. He has learned over the years the importance of focusing on what the customer is looking for and literally serving it to them. He doesn’t try to create a need, instead he tries to satisfy the existing demand for information on products and services.
Images via Wikipedia, Adam Foster, Grand Velas Riviera Maya, Cornelia Kopp
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