Tony Hung featured at Successful Blog

Liz Strauss’s monster Successful Blog, a part of b5media, has profiled Blog Herald blogger Tony Hung in a post today:

I asked how Tony connected with the Blog Herald ‘€” he said he suggested some topics and shortly thereafter, Matt read Tony’€™s blog and invited Tony write for them. The Blog Herald connection prompted Thord, another Herald writer, to invite Tony to be part of Bloggertalks, the hot new interview blog.

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Picture of Matt Craven

Matt Craven

Matt Craven is the former editor & publisher of The Blog Herald. Currently, Matt is the co-founder of Bryghtpath LLC, a consulting practice located in Woodbury, Minnesota. Matt's presently looking for new blogging gigs. Ping him at matt (at) bryghtpath dot com. You can follow him on Twitter.



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