bought Celebrity Baby Blog, the news was cabled out late May and reported by yours truly here on The Blog Herald.
But why did they buy the blog in the first place? I shot a few quick questions to the good folks over at to get some insight.
Angela Matusik is the Development Editor for She was kind enough to take the time to answer these questions.
Why did decide to buy the Celebrity Baby Blog?
This is a natural extension for our brand. already covers this topic extensively, and we know our readers want more. Adding CBB to our family allows us to offer them a richer, deeper user experience.
Is there anything you could tell us about the deal, financially? Why haven’t the price been disclosed?
We do not discuss specifics of any deals.
No surprises there, but it was worth a shot, right?
How does the Celebrity Baby Blog fit in to’s strategy, and where do blogs in general stand in that strategy?
Our goal is to build on the core strengths of the site as we expand and create a more meaningful experience for our users and advertisers. Blogs, like Celebrity Baby Blog, fit those criteria, and create addictive, daily content with a loyal reader community. We’ve seen this already with the blogs we developed ourselves (Off The Rack and TVWatch).
Thanks to Angela Matusik for taking the time to answer these questions. Be sure to visit the Celebrity Baby Blog and see for yourself if you think it is the perfect match for
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