Wordpress has become one of the most popular CMS platforms and chances are you either have a Wordpress site or are thinking about getting one. Unfortunately, because of its popularity, Wordpress has become a target for hackers. The most important step in making sure your Wordpress site is safe is educating yourself.
CMS migration service provider, cmstowp has created an interesting infographic that breaks down Wordpress security, what to look out for and how to make your site extra secure.
The infographic is packed with all kinds of interesting information. For example, did you know that there have been more than 67,000 Wordpress sites created since May 2013. Or that every month, more than 372 million people view more than 4 billion web pages.
It is important to maintain your site. Regularly update it and make sure all plugins are up-to-date. Also, make sure you are using unique usernames and passwords and changing them periodically.
Malware and viruses could also hurt your site. Make sure to keep your server in a secure site. Delete any plugins or themes you aren’t using, as these can become a target for hackers.
The best way to keep your site running smoothly is to be proactive. Make sure you are doing everything you can to prevent an attack instead of figuring ways to come back from one.
Despite the number of attacks on Wordpress sites, it is important to realize that Wordpress is still one of the safest CMS platforms to use. Wordpress developers are constantly working to stay one step ahead of hackers to help keep you and your site safe.
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