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The Best Business Cards for Bloggers

The Best Business Cards for Bloggers

One of the best investments I made when I first started blogging was the purchase of some business cards. Not your regular standard ones – but mini cards from MOO. With their unique size and the ability to give each one a unique image – the purchase has paid dividends. People always ask where I got them and they always stick out in the pack.

But overall, I’m not a fan of business cards. Actually, I’m not fan of beef jerky either. But put the two together, and you have one of the most unique business products I’ve read about in recent times.

Very soon you will be able to get your contact information laser etched onto a rectangular swath of dried meat.

Practical? No.
Attention-grabbing? Yes.

And the best bloggers are always looking for an edge.

See Also
stay at home mom

Get on the waiting list now for your very own Meat Cards.

Feel free to share any advice you have on blogger business cards.

View Comments (4)
  • Ok, I am an idiot, because I saw this and was like meat=meet and then I went to it and was like OHHHH – that’s nasty, especially for us vegetarians.

  • I’ve heard about Moo’s business cards–i’ve heard them from all over actually. They seem pretty popular but then they do have quality business cards. And I agree business card made of meat are totally unpractical, people might not take you very seriously as well if that is your business card.

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