With all the talk about Adsense, Digg homepage stories, SEO, you could be forgiven for forgetting that Blogging is a social medium.
In fact I would go one step further and call it a conversational medium. What do I mean by that?
For a start most people would agree that the writing style of blogs is conversational. What you are reading right now is hardly the sort of formal writing you would find in an academic paper or The Times, right?
Bloggers write directly to their audience, we talk in writing as if there was someone on the other end. All being well there will be someone receiving; regular readers, search engine visitors, other bloggers, members of your niche and maybe even the media.
It isn’t just a conversational style either, there are real conversations taking place on blogs and between blogs. You might invite comments that spark a discussion, or you might prompt another bloggers to write a reply or rebuttal on their own blogs.
Next time you write a blog post remember a conversation is always better with responses. Write fully expecting a reply. Ask open-ended questions and incite discussion. You might be surprised by the results :)
How do you make conversations happen with your blog? Please share in the comments …