Times are changing in the world of Search Engine Optimization and it looks to liven up this sector. With Search Engines introducing ever more sophisticated algorithms, the art of providing good SEO Services is now crying out for more original and off the wall techniques.
For some time now the guidelines for optimum SEO has been set in stone. Run through your generic list of search friendly tasks, complete accordingly and maintain a decent link building system.
Now I’m not saying if you carry out the above technique that your SEO campaign will suffer, far from it. The basics of any SEO campaign still stand true:
• Take care of your Keywords – Something’s never change and good research within this department is always crucial
• Titles, Meta Data, Alt Tags – You know the drill – the list goes on, no need to waste time here on that
• Unique Content Creation – Another gem in the SEO crown, good production and distribution will reward you with some good linkage
Today, everyone wants in on the promise of great web visibility –
What advice will you receive? “Have you considered Search Engine Optimization?”
As basic SEO tactics become more prevalent, surely the promise of reaching the promised land of page one diminishes. With more people on the SEO train, not everyone’s going to get a seat. In fact they’re already plenty standing! (Those who haven’t even grasped the bare basics yet.)
More astute thinking is needed these days as SEO is proving more and more popular. You’re not just competing against the wills of the search engines but the ever hungry SEO’ers out there, with only eyes for that no.1 spot.
It seems SEO Specialists are moving into more creative arenas, where outlandish and outside the box ideas may be justly rewarded. The beauty of the industry is that it’s still relatively new and forever changing.
Risk taking and questioning the norm hold the potential for widespread popularity. 2011 has all the makings of a great year for SEO. If you’re keen to learn and adapt your techniques, you’ll do well.
Key areas that look really interesting for the coming year include:
• User Needs: A Priority – For a long time now we have seen a trend of site builds favouring the needs of the search engines over the user. User experience will vastly improve with the likes of HTML 5’s new look web and an inherent realisation that with Social Media leverage, a popular site can be more effective than a well optimised site. This leads me onto my next point..
• Algorithms Favouring Social Signals – Already part of the new seo wave, Bing search results have altered their search criteria and I’m sure the big G will not be far behind. 2011 will see the beginning of search engines incorporating much more social data: ‘Like Buttons’, Tweet Popularity and other social metrics will hold more search relevancy. With that reference to Social media, I feel it quite apt to suggest a follow of @webbrandinguk
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• Back to the Old School – This certainly seems to be the case with Link Building. SE’s are getting even savvier to link farms, purchased links and non contextual links. Old fashioned quality creation still remains a sure fire way to increase your online reputation. Article Marketing and Guest Posting is a great example of this, I recently came across MyBlogGuest quite simply the best online resource for everything and anything guest posting. Another tip is to be generous with the links you put out there, help promote others and realise that ‘Link Karma’ actually works.
• Video – How many times have you landed on a page, a video automatically starts playing and you find yourself transfixed for a good while. Good video production is priceless and will continue to rise in popularity in 2011 as the favoured form of communication. You may start hearing the phrase ‘Video SEO’ mentioned a lot more.
Whatever 2011 has in store for the online world, it’s certainly an exciting time to be part of it.
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Hopefully I’ve left you with a few thoughts to muse upon about the coming year, I’m sure I’ve missed many topics that will be hot this year.
Please do add what you think will the next big trend or a key changer this year.
Guest bio: Rob Playford – Total SEO Services – @totalseoserv
Where Internet Marketing Comes Alive – Search Engine Optimisation, Company Branding and Web Development under one roof.
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