A wise man once said, “Life moves pretty fast. If you don’t stop and look around once in a while, you could miss it.”
That genius was Ferris Bueller, the fictional namesake of the ever-popular 1986 movie written and directed by John Hughes.
Time as a blogger flies by. When you’re not busy pounding out quality content, you are researching post ideas, reading about SEO, promoting your work on social networks, etc. At any given point, you are juggling a dozen different balls, and like most of the bloggers I know, you are amazing – because you keep most of them in the air. But there’s one I’ll bet you are dropping.
If you’re a hard-working, trying-to-make-ends-meet, creative-type like me, you are probably so hell-bent on being “successful,” that you don’t take enough time to enjoy your blogging accomplishments.
This thought occurred to me as I accidentally noticed that today marked my 900th blog post (online career advice) and my 1,000th tweet (which has been a concerted effort to bring in thousands of additional readers). I’m also closing in on my 100th podcast.
I don’t tell you this for a pat on the back – why on earth should you care? But I’m telling you so I can tell myself. My blogging advice today is to take a look at what you have accomplished, whatever that means to you, and feel good about it. Allow yourself a few minutes to reflect on what you have built. Because when you start a blog, you are building something, something that was not on this earth until you decided to put it there.
So thanks, Ferris. I’m taking a few minutes to smell the roses, then I’m going to put my head down and work harder than ever before.