My 48-Hour Power Down

I’m proud of myself. For 48 consecutive hours I survived without the Internet. It wasn’t easy.

As a product of the hyper-connected digital age, giving up my computer and pocket-sized device for an “extended” period of time, wasn’t an easy decision. But given my recent bout of blogger’s block, and an increasingly alarming inability to stop the simultaneous tape recorders in my head, I knew it was time to power down. And you know what? I have a hunch it was the best 48 hours I’ve spent in quite some time.

I’d love to tell you that I spent my unshackled hours meditating in Nepal or performing hot yoga, but I did not. Instead, I just lived my life, the way I live it everyday – minus the Internet.

I discovered that one of my biggest trouble spots was when I found myself waiting. Whether it was for a table at a restaurant, online at the market, or sitting in traffic, apparently, my instinct is to reach for my phone. Crutch uncovered. In fact, I’ve come to recognize that it’s these waiting periods when I over-communicate. That is to say I’ll make a superfluous call, text or Tweet. From here on in, I’m going to use these stalled periods of time to brainstorm for future blog posts. I’ve already employed this tactic several times with great success.

As a double bonus, when I returned to “civilization,” it was cool to find a full inbox and clear mind waiting for me.

See Also
laptop computer on glass-top table

It’s not a revolutionary thought to tell you to step away from the game in order to secure a win,, but a reminder never hurts. And I plan to make these computer respites more frequent. I’ll keep you posted how it goes.

How often do you step away from the Internet? Have you found a brief break to be useful to your blog?

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Picture of Andrew G.R.

Andrew G.R.

Andrew G.R. is the owner of Jobacle, a career advice and employment news blog and podcast designed to make work better. Follow him on Twitter.



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