List of Blog Networks

Perhaps I’m obsessed with lists and numbers, but it dawned on me that I don’t think I’ve ever seem a comprehensive lists of blog networks: so welcome to the Blog Network List v1 beta (list in no particular order). I’ll seek to update this list from time to time as a reference point: want to know how people are approaching the blogging game? the best way to learn is to see what others are doing.

Weblogs Inc.,
The No.1 blog network from Jason Calacanis

Gawker Media
Nick Denton’s gossip, tabloid and soft pawn empire

collaborative network which I still think wins the award for nicest looking blogs

Blog Logic
Paul Short’s multi-blog network

Darren Rowse
technically Darren hasn’t got a network in name, but he certainly has a network of blogs, some that are also part of the Breaking News Blog Network

Brad Jasper’s network of blog and webmaster related blogs, tools and forums

Duct Tape Marketing
9 marketing blogs under the same banner

Blog Carnival
More blogging for adsense than anything else but still a blog network none the less

Weblog Empire
my little effort to be on this list

The Kos does sports

See Also
MacBook Pro, white ceramic mug,and black smartphone on table


There are corporate examples as well, but I’ve tried to keep the list strictly to blog networks as opposed to corporations in other fields who have networks of bloggers.

Know any other blog networks? email me at or leave a comment and I’ll update a list.

Update: so much info here I’ve written a new list that can be read here. Comments are now closed on this thread. Thanks to everyone for their contributions

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