Blogger Jobs: How to Apply For a Blogger Job?

Blogging Jobs by Lorelle VanFossenIs applying for a job as a blogger the same as applying for any job? Yes…and no.

Blogging is about writing, however, as we found out in Blogger Jobs: What Are They Looking For?, working as a blogger is so much more.

Let’s look at where to find blogging jobs and how to apply for one.

Where to Look for Jobs for Bloggers

The following are some of the most useful and easy to access sites for blogger jobs, with most of these specifically for bloggers only.

What to do Before Applying for a Blogging Job

Before you apply for a job as a blogger, you should do the following, in addition to the tips provided in What Are They Looking For?

  1. Know Thy Industry: Apply only for blog positions in industries and markets in which you are an expert and passionate about. Don’t waste people’s time unless you really know the subject matter well.
  2. Research the Company: If a link is given or some specifics about the company, research it. Find out who they are, what they do, what they’ve done online – or not, and what they need. The more you know about the company, the more you can direct your application to their specific needs.
  3. CV Ready and Updated: Have your CV/resume up-to-date and ready to email. Have it in the following forms: text, HTML (for pretty email), Word document (older versions), and PDF. All versions, save text, should have easy-to-read clickable links to your blog(s), work samples, guest blog posts, and other linkable sources.
  4. Have Five Samples of Your Work: Put together a minimum of five published samples of your work. Many think they can just send links, but the companies want these printable. Put the examples in Word document and PDF for easy emailing as an attachment. It can be a single file or five separate files. Keep file sizes to a minimum.
  5. Be Easily Found: Provide at least two email addresses (in case the first one doesn’t work), at least one phone number, and as many online communication methods as you can such as Skype, GTalk, Yahoo, Jabber, Twitter, etc. Put this information on every file and communication to link you with the sample work and correspondence.
  6. A Written Introduction: Write at least five different versions of a one paragraph introduction to your blogging job skills. Go through each one carefully to make sure it represents your very best writing skills, and presents you in the best light, spelling out the reasons you are worth hiring. Use action verbs and descriptions and get right to the point. Make these of varying lengths from 50-150 words. Use these as a base reference for responding to initial job correspondence. These are the make-or-break sales pitches to convince them to take the next step towards hiring you.

How to Apply for a Job as a Blogger

The first contact you have is through the blog job listing. Typically, you respond as a comment to the listing or via email. Some will have very specific instructions on how to apply. Follow them exactly. This is not the time to be creative.

The first impression you offer will be with your first correspondence. Make it the best you can do, an example of your blogging style, professionalism, and concise writing skills. Get off on the “write” foot by proving your writing and communication skills with the first contact.

Using the written introductions you’ve honed to perfection, customize them, if needed, towards the specific job listing. Include keywords that prove you are an expert in the subject, and make it “actionable” – make them want you. Don’t brag or exaggerate. Be specific and get to the point immediately on why you are the one for the job with the experience to back up that statement.

Many times, bloggers will just include a link to their blog with the recommendation to “check it out!” While the hiring company could do that, and they will, it doesn’t make a good first impression. You start proving to the company that you are worth of hiring from your first words.

While going through many blog job listings, I found too many responses to the position poorly written.

I good writer and want to work as blogger but never blog. I know business, your business, to weel, so to me I think I be good blogger. Hire me.

Sure, this person might not be fluent in English, but the job requested quality English writing skills.

I saw many responses to blog job listings saying, “I’ll blog about anything – and I have” – poor self-introductions, not a professional approach. These companies are looking for experts in their field, not a jack-of-all-bloggers. If they are, they will say so, but most aren’t. Be specific, helping them see immediately that you have the skills they want.

A good example for a blogger job on fashion would be:

See Also
MacBook Pro, white ceramic mug,and black smartphone on table

Owner of 42 pairs of designer shoes, I’m fashion obsessed. Since 2006, I’ve published 800 articles on fashion no-nos and do-dos, covering clothing, shoes, purses, hair, and make-up on Clothes Horse, my fashion blog. From the perch of my Ferragamos and Manolos, I’ve worked as a buyer in the fashion industry for the past 8 years with a view from the inside out and outside in. I would be an excellent addition to your fashion blogging team.

Direct, to the point, fun, confident, energetic, but also specific, it shows familiarity with brands and the industry. It immediately establishes a history of work experience in the industry as well as long term blogging experience.

Just like any job, you must provide a resume/CV and samples of your published writing and multimedia. You will probably be asked if you Twitter, Skype, and use other popular online communications and social networking services and tools. Letters of recommendation or personal and professional references may also be requested.

After the first contact, the process of being hired continues in the traditional process. If they like what they see, they will contact you to continue the interview process. If they don’t, they may or may not respond. It is appropriate to make a second request, after a length of time has passed, but it is bad manners to nag them.

The odds are that other than a few phone calls, all of the correspondence will be done online. Unless the company is nearby, you will not be flying in to meet with the staff, nor will they come to you.

Whether you get the job or not, this is an opportunity to build relationships for the future, and set a high quality standard for other bloggers you meet. Thank them for the opportunity, and consider surprising them with a written thank you note for taking the time to consider you. Little personal touches can make them reconsider – or at least consider you for other job possibilities in the future.

In a few days, I’ll talk about how much companies are willing to pay bloggers to blog, and then an article about what businesses need to know about hiring bloggers.

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Picture of Lorelle VanFossen

Lorelle VanFossen

The author of Lorelle on WordPress and the fast-selling book, Blogging Tips: What Bloggers Won't Tell You About Blogging, as well as several other blogs, Lorelle VanFossen has been blogging for over 15 years, covering blogging, WordPress, travel, nature and travel photography, web design, web theory and development extensively as web technologies developed.



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