7 Sites to Find Paid Blogging Jobs

Whether you’ve recently decided to try and turn your writing into a revenue source or are an experience freelance writer looking for more work, finding new blogging jobs can be a daunting task.

Due to the global economic downturn, competition for freelance positions has never been stronger as more and more writers are looking for and applying for the same jobs. This makes it critical to know where to look for writing jobs and to be able to find the positions that others might not be aware of.

Fortunately, there are many sites to help you find good paid blogging gigs, it is simply a matter of knowing where to look and what to look for. With that in mind, here are seven sites to help get you started.

Freelance Writing Jobs
Freelance Writing Jobs, in addition to being an excellent blog for freelance writers, has a daily jobs posting compiled by the editors that pulls job postings from a variety of sites. Typically there are about 40-50 freelance writing jobs posted daily with about half a dozen blogging ones. These jobs tend to be fairly competitive due to the popularity of the site and the pay is mixed. However, the site saves a lot of legwork, pulling many of the best jobs from all over the Web.

Elance is a broader freelancing site that offers a variety of freelance positions from design to programming. However, the site also has a very robust writing and editing section with a very powerful search feature. That being said, many of the blogging-related positions seem dicey and the pay is typically very low due to the fact freelancers bid on contracts, rather than simply apply for jobs. Still, it is often a good site to get a start in freelancing, especially if you are just dabbling.

Similar to Elance, Freelancer.com is a broader freelancing site with a large writing and editing section. Also as with Elance, the pay tends to be very low for most jobs due to the bidding process. Once again, it may be a chance to get acclimated to working as a freelance writer and to start building a name for yourself in a very tough market.

Demand Media

Demand Media is a company that owns sites such as ehow.com, cracked.com and more. They have a site for freelance writers to apply for work. The pay at Demand Media is usually very good but getting accepted into the fold is a very difficult task, especially for new freelancers. The company rejects more applicants than they accept, including many talented authors that just don’t fit what they need.

Problogger Jobs

Problogger, the well-known blog aimed at those who want to make a living blogging, has a job board that is updated several times a day most days. Though the actual postings are few, the jobs are usually of high quality. However, the competition is very strong for these positions as the site is well-known and, with so few postings, there is no guarantee that there will be one right for you at any given time.

Freelance Switch
Freelance Switch is a site dedicated to helping people make the jump to freelance work. It also has a robust job board that has many good writing jobs. The site is attractive and easy to search with many promising positions, the problem is that to apply for a job you have to have a subscription, which costs $7 per month.

Though best known as a the modern version of the classified ads section, Craigslist is also a good place to search for freelance writing work. The site has a dedicated job section for writing/editing and can also find results from nearby areas if your local site doesn’t have many results. However, lack of results is a common problem with Craigslist and there is a potential risk of scams. Still, dealing with local businesses may be the best way to get your foot in the door and many jobs appear on Craigslist that don’t appear on the broader Web.

See Also
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Which site you choose is likely based on where you are with your freelance work. Experienced freelancers can easily find viable jobs on Problogger or Freelance Writing Jobs, less experienced ones may want to try out Elance and Freelancer.com while they work on their sites and become more established.

When you make a name for yourself, you can stop competing on price and begin selling yourself as a brand. That is when you’re able to make sensible and consistent money doing freelance writing.

Until then, you’ll likely find that the pay in freelancing is very poor and requires an insane amount of work just to get by.

This blog post was written by Lior Levin who is a marketing consultant for iAdvize, one of the best live support tools on the web.

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