Here I am. Floating away. Eveything I do is a river of life.
First it was that my little writing blog had a feed. RSS what was that? Really Simple Syndication. Then I joined a social networking, or was it a social media site? I don’t know.
But it had a river of news about what everyone was doing.
Now along comes Tumblr.
Steve Rubel has a great description of lifestreaming and how he is using it.
I have set up a tumblelog at my personal domain at It rolls up my blog, links, Flickr, Facebook notes and Twitter tweets all in one place. You can subscribe to the feed here. Also, there’s a mobile version. Next step: turning my lifestream into a Steve Rubel widget.
I really like that there is a single place attached to my name that rolls up all of the content that I am publishing online. I also like that in just a couple of clicks I can set up a river of news that I can share at the domain of my choosing. This can become a very powerful concept. For example, I could use either my existing tumblelog or a new one at a sub domain to roll up all of your content – such as @steverubel tweets on Twitter or in-bound inks to my various blogs.
I heard about it first from Easton Ellsworth who suggested that
Lifestreams are simple to implement and, I think, extremely useful. You could create a public lifestream for friends and followers to track. Or you could make a private lifestream for you own record-keeping. Web feeds obviate the need to visit various locales around the Web to find out what a person has been up to lately.
So I thought on a Saturday, this might be worth a try a life stream of my own. Getting started way simpler than starting my first blog post. I just punched in my feed addresses to my three blogs and there they were. Ah, but to put them on my URL was a little trickier.
When I punched in my domain name I got this answer.
This domain’s A-record is not pointing to Tumblr. It is currently set to “”.
Please contact your domain registrar for support. Our staff is absolutely unable to assist with DNS configuration.
You can find more information on setting up a custom domain on Tumblr here.
I’m not sure what it means, but it sounds like a hassle. Doesn’t that just seem the way with my lifestream? Oh Go figure.
I’ll be living now on tumblr . . . you can find it all together at
One day I’ll live on my own URL, then I’ll stream where I want to.
Until then I’ll be floating away on tumblr.
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