Duncan Riley> I promised myself I’d never indulge in any self indulgent blego activities, but a quiet news day allows me to reminisce with the Blog Herald turning 2 this week with the first news story going on site on 20 April 03, and the official launch a week later.
A lot has changed and a lot has stayed the same. Through four versions, numerous changes in post format, colourful comments and the occasional flame war I’m happy to say that with your help The Blog Herald is going stronger than ever.
From 1,502 posts and 1,725 comments, what follows are a few of my favourite moments
May 03: Star Wars Kid Blog Charity: Help, Publicity Stunt or Fraud? was the first big traffic story on the site and the Waxy.org groupies have never forgiven me since.
Aug 03: Flash Bloggers: new trend or nuisance? highlighted what turned out to be one of the shortest fads in history, and strangely this post was also only the 3rd blog to be “flash blogged” and one of the last as well.
Sep 03: Technorati cracks the 1 million, how far we’ve come….
Towards a Weblogging Empire, the first mention of Webloginc’s Jason Calacanis, my profound comment at the time: “An interesting concept in the future development of blogging”
Oct 03: Microsoft fires worker over blog, the days before Scoble were very different indeed
Apr 04: Defining the A-List at BloggerCon according to Halley Suitt: ‘โฌลelitist bad-ass-A-list-bloggers exclusive event’โฌ? revealed is still one of my funniest scoops. Halley tried denying it all until Dave Winer confirmed it was all true.
CIA set to raid BloggerCon: Osama Bin Winer suspect demonstrated I had too much time on my hands playing with Photoshop.
May 04: Steve Rubel to become Blog guinea pig, Steve Rubel launches what turns out to be a masterful PR stunt which bought him to the attention of many in the blogosphere.
Aug 04: Google Adsense expands to include previously excluded bloggers, The day where blog advertising and riches became available to the little person
Oct 04: Secret Service visits blogger, if somebody was going to get a visit from the men in black over a blog comment, it would have to be a LiveJournal user
Nov 04: The politics of blogrolls, it wasn’t the most commented on post, but it got a lot of links and people talking. It also highlighted to me that many bloggers out there appreciate a bit of advice ad guidance..
There were many more highlights, and even the occasional lowlight over the last two years. My many thanks to the contributors and tipsters that have helped me along the way, and to the many readers who have stuck around and enjoyed the ride.
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