Byrne writes at the SixApart Professional Network blog that SixApart is going to submit trackback as an Internet Standard. I think this is a good thing, although I’m not technically proficient enough to understand the scripting/ tech behind it. What I would like to see though is WordPress blogs and TypePad/ MT blogs being able to automatically trackback each other. In the case of WordPress to trackback a MT powered blog you’ve got to cut and paste the trackback address in….this of course may have nothing to do with this at all, or it might. Maybe if we get standardised trackback all the various blogging tools will start talking to each other….and the world will be a better place :-)
Update: Matt Mullenweg is supporting the idea…sort of, but he’s saying Pingback is better (and I think he want’s this to be the standard??) . Totally over my head really, you can read more here.
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