Six Apart releases Movable Type 3.2 Beta

Six Apart have announced the release of the beta version of MT 3.2. More information is available at the aptly named MT 3.2 beta blog.

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7 scenarios in life where a person’s true character is revealed, according to psychology

7 scenarios in life where a person’s true character is revealed, according to psychology

Global English Editing

People who get the birthday blues every year usually display these traits

People who get the birthday blues every year usually display these traits

Small Business Bonfire

6 zodiac signs who have a tendency to question the status quo

6 zodiac signs who have a tendency to question the status quo

Parent From Heart

If you want your 70s to be some of the most amazing years of your life, say goodbye to these 7 behaviors

If you want your 70s to be some of the most amazing years of your life, say goodbye to these 7 behaviors

Hack Spirit

8 signs you’re dealing with a low-value man, according to psychology

8 signs you’re dealing with a low-value man, according to psychology

Global English Editing

9 signs someone is a mentally very strong person, according to psychology

9 signs someone is a mentally very strong person, according to psychology

Global English Editing