Uber-blogger, A-List Blogger, and Yahoo employee Russell Beattie says goodbye to blogging:
Well, I think it’s time to put this weblog to bed.
Yep, after four years and almost 3,000 posts I’ve decided to close up the Notebook. There’s lots of reasons, but generally this is a continuation of the full-reset I started back in January. At first I was actually thinking about just transitioning to a more of a weekly blog where I write less frequently and was sort of cleaning everything up with that in mind. But then I just decided that I really needed a break, and that I’d really much rather start from scratch at another URL some other time when I’m ready to write again. Lot less pressure that way to do something new later on, and a lot easier to get out of the habit of posting daily now.
Beattie is probably best known for his ongoing coverage of the mobile & wireless industry over the last four years. Over time, his efforts spun off into a series of meetings focused on mobility dubbed MobileMonday. These meetings have become quite popular in Silicon Valley.
Beattie follows a long line of A-Listers that have left or threatened to leave in recent years, including Dave Winer and Mark Pilgrim – though Pilgrim has started posting again recently.
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