Podcasting and launching the Blog Heralds first blogcast

Duncan Riley> Podcasting, sometimes referred to audio-blogging, is growing in popularity in everyday and its time to jump on board. Whether its something worthwhile doing is something I’ll discuss in the coming weeks here at the Blog Herald.

But in the mean time introducing
“Duncan Riley on Blogs (beta)”: 1001.mp3 (9mb, 20 mins)
An editorial rant on blogging.
Topics covered: SixApart LiveJournal, danah boyd, blog conspiracy theories and the Asian Tsunami, Ellen Simonetti and bloggers being sacked, Bloghosts.com, Blogging Pie, Pew blogging survey, Pizza box laptop covers, Comment Spammers and last but not least, Iranian bloggers.

If it works well I’ll develop the xml feed and supporting page in the coming days.

See Also
online jobs for teens writing

If you do listen, and would like to see something featured on the next podcast or would like to leave some feedback (good or bad), please leave a comment here or you can leave a voice message on (US Callers) 206-279-9141 which we can play in the next podcast.

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