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Nifty launches Cocoblog with TypePad under the hood

Nifty launches Cocoblog with TypePad under the hood

The TypePad powered Cocolog offered byJapanese company Nifty has launched with the CEO, a Mr. Furukawa setting the trend by starting his own blog. Although being unable to neither speak Japanese nor have Google successfully translate it (it translates the text into ?????), the site seems to be running well and bides well for future back end deals for Six Apart.
(Partially via Blogger Jack Reporter)
UPDATE: we’ve now managed to translate most of the page using Bablefish and there are some interesting changes: Trackback is now track/truck back with character known as “track/truck back guy” who drives a truck, promoting the track back feature, and the CEO sounds like a cult figure with his blog promoted on the site as “Furukawa building purity Internet Blog”. Other gems from the site include “Before beginning the coconut log, please peruse by all means”, from the help page “We want teaching concerning recommendation environment.” and “At Nifty all service is introduced classified by genre.”.

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