News Wrap 23 December 2004

Our first News Wrap since September comes after a recent upsurge in blog related stories and possibly the fact that we are all too busy enjoying Christmas activities!.
The Democrats presidential wannabes get a good run as usual with Commom Dreams looking at the influence of blogs in the Clark and Dean campaigns, along with the Contra Costa Times (Dean), and the NY Times, who compares Dean to Napster.
Dave Sifry of Technorati gets a good run from Dan Gillmour at, and even a better peice at the Mercury News
Anick Jesdanun complains of information overload at Daily, in a article not directly related to blogging, but in which he describes bloggers as “web journalists”
Slashdot gets a run at LinuxWorld, although the Linux server was down when we went to read the article
and last but not least a Santa Blog gets a plug at the Deseret News.

Neuroscientist reveals a new way to manifest more financial abundance

Breakthrough Columbia study confirms the brain region is 250 million years old, the size of a walnut and accessible inside your brain right now.

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Picture of Duncan




5 zodiac signs with sharp instincts for building wealth and financial success

5 zodiac signs with sharp instincts for building wealth and financial success

Parent From Heart

9 warning signs you’re more stressed than you think, according to psychology

9 warning signs you’re more stressed than you think, according to psychology

Hack Spirit

People who live like a slob usually have these 7 traits, according to psychology

People who live like a slob usually have these 7 traits, according to psychology

Global English Editing

People who are unable to sustain romantic relationships usually display these habits (without realizing it)

People who are unable to sustain romantic relationships usually display these habits (without realizing it)

Global English Editing

People who prefer doing things alone often share these 8 personality traits

People who prefer doing things alone often share these 8 personality traits

Global English Editing

9 signs a man is highly attracted to you but wants you to make the first move

9 signs a man is highly attracted to you but wants you to make the first move

Small Business Bonfire