Now in the 10am session on Social Search in the Corporate Environment here at Minnebar.
Presenter is Rich from Honeywell Labs – he built the first websites for Honeywell back before the graphical website days when most folks were browsing using Lynx and other text online web browsers.
Original blogging platform at Honeywell was Movable Type under their commercial license approach – we’ll find out in a bit if he’s still using that internally. Session will be focused on social media and search within a large corporation.
Honeywell using alot of open source based software within the firewall for social media and social work.
Appears that they are using Connectbeam for social media search inside the firewall – and also using a Google Search Appliance for internal search. Mmm, I’d love one of those at some of my clients.
Connectbeam integrates with Exchange Server, if that’s your poison, and integrates with internal Google search appliances as well as external Google searches as well. It’s not an issue integrating services like LinkedIn, Facebook, and others into the Connectbeam platform. Interesting..
Unfortunately, his projector is not working so we may go without any live examples…
<5 minutes later> PROJECTOR IS NOW BACK UP. Yay
Connectbeam appears to integrate directly into Google Search and other search engines – displays bar on the right with related internal content and tags…
10 licenses for $1k – rather cheaper than what I would have probably expected.. upcoming versions will have RSS feeds and an API…
Confluence is their wiki platform – $3k for a license… 16,000+ users are contributing to their wiki..
Wiki has a tag cloud already associated with it – plus can be tagged for use within ConnectBeam..also has a Sharepoint 07 tie-in.. very semantic web connections here… looks like the goal is to provide discovery within the enterprise..
Honeywell has tried for years to build a skills database to let folks connect with each other – the tagging within Connectbeam has really fulfilled that function.. Senior leaders (direct reports of CEO) are using the system to some extent – and want to foster more connectivity amongst individual contributors throughout the company…
Using some simple windows based feed readers inside the firewall – doing this to read competitive intelligence feeds and other RSS feeds within the corporation…
technical library showing information on various pre-built RSS feeds on key topics for research to keep team members and employees informed on their competition, etc.. using Compendex Plus for some of this (license fee involved)…
Honeywell running daily rss searches/google searches on the names of key engineers at their competitors
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Rich’s blog is at eContent.
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