Morgan McLintic seems to think so. If SixApart Management is reading this post I’d give them one word: CHINA. If they were a little more speculative I’d add a second word, and this one probably has more potential longer term: INDIA.
I would add though that an AUD based blogging service would have great potential as well. Sure, the market is only 20 million roughly (hey, we’ve got 18.5 million mobile accounts in a country of only 20 and a bit million), but it’s a market that’s been under catered for where those who are blogging do so with overseas providers. I’m sure that a AUD service under the name of SixApart/ TypePad would have great possibilities! (note to Anil, if you started charging my Visa in AUD I’d even consider signing up!!!!).
Neuroscientist reveals a new way to manifest more financial abundance
Breakthrough Columbia study confirms the brain region is 250 million years old, the size of a walnut and accessible inside your brain right now.