Long time webmaster support site Bravenet have just launched their Bravenet Journal blogging service. Whilst late on the blogging scene, the folks at Bravenet have been around for years providing free and paid services for webmasters, and the addition of a blogging service to their suite of goodies will only open up the blogosphere to even more would-be recruits. Having said that, their offering looks like it may just win a few converts to.
The following is being offered:
Customizable Look
Select from multiple layouts and customize them with ease.
Full Featured Journal
Real time posting with full visitor comment system.
Cellphone Camera Support
Update a phonecam photograph in your journal on the go from your cellphone camera!
Privacy Settings
Control who can comment on each post you make.
IP BanningCustom Links
Maintain categorized links of your favorite sites.
Various Custom Fields
Customize the fields that you use for each journal post.
Mini Tag Board
Allow visitors to chat on your journal.
Ban the IP Address of unwanted or problem-causing visitors.
and more
sounds like MT without the fuss :-)