Blogging Holiday a load of Cr*p

Diversity of thought is a wonderful thing, and that is what makes the Blogosphere so wonderful, but every now and then something appears that deservers condemnation; in this case the ridiculous proposal for a 2 week Blogging holiday!

Discovered by The Blog Herald through Burningbird, the “Global Blogging Vacation” starts today, August 2 and lasts to August 17.

Promoted by the far left wing Journal of the Hyperlinked Organization Shakespeare’s MacBeth is paraphrased in promotion the concept.
“Tomorrow, and tomorrow, and tomorrow creeps in this petty pace from day to day. To the last syllable of recorded time. And all our yesterdays have lighted fools the way to dusty blogs.”

The Blog Herald says what a load of Cr*p!

For bloggers who talk about issues of democracy and free speech, the suggestion that there be a blogging holiday not only reeks of hypocrisy, but is absurd in the greatest.

With some reports suggesting over 3 million bloggers, the chances of a 2 week holiday being widely supported are extremely slight.

But to suggest that there is something wrong with bloggers, that somehow bloggers are removed from the real world, and therefore need a break, in a blog, is even more bizarre.

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Every blogger is entitled to a holiday, but to suggest that we all need a holiday due to some lost sense of a real world, when bloggers blog about the real world, is deserving of our condemnation.

Some of the supporters of the call include the Switch Off campaign, which parody bloggers, and even non blogging computer users as anti-social misfits with a top 5 reasons to switch off being
– Your complexion will improve.
(the implication being that all bloggers are spotted geeks)
– Your wife is leaving you.
(at least they suggest that bloggers may have wives, but the implication here is that we all ignore our partners to blog)
– You are developing sores from constant sitting.
(just plain stupid)
– Your house is on fire.
(that bloggers are so obsessed as to not notice a house fire)
– Your neighbours think you are dead
(again the anti-social element, bloggers do have friends!)

This absurd concept will not take hold, and The Blog Herald invites others to condemn the condemnable.

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