Elliot Back, who seems to be getting a really decent run lately here at the Blog Herald (and rightfully so I might ad) has launched an interesting experiment: Blogging Ars Pro Bono study.
To quote Elliot in an email to the Blog Herald
I’m offering 30 one-time photoshop retouching jobs to anyone who drops me an email. Want to have a professional looking retouched photo? Just have to send me an email with the high-res attachment, and I’ll post the retouched version, one a day.
In a way, this is like [the Blog Herald’s] 100 blogs in 100 days, except that I’m doing a little more processing on the input I get. I want to hope that I can some community action and get people excited about this
If your interested in getting a photo retouched check out Elliot’s post here.
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