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Blogcritics to launch “franchise”: Desicritics

Blogcritics to launch “franchise”: Desicritics

Eric Olsen from Blogcritics has announced the first “franchise” of the uber-group Blogcritics blog: which will cover media, popular culture, politics and sports with a “South Asian focus”. is to be led by editor Aaman Lamba.

According to Eric: will be an English-language online magazine where South Asian bloggers, writers from the diaspora and those simply with an interest in South Asia, can create news, commentary, reviews, and interview content as the basis of a global community where writers and readers alike can interact, inform, discuss, dispute, make purchases, etc. – much as they do now on

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For reference I believe when they are talking about “South Asia” they are talking about what we in Australia would refer to the Sub-continent, or in other words India, Pakistan and Bangladesh….I think :-)

(thanks to John Mudd for the tip)

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  • Thanks for the write-up. We expect to launch on Jan 26th so stay tuned

    The value proposition of Blogcritics has proven itself over the last 3 years, and I am confident it will translate well to the South Asian context.

    South Asia, of course, covers more countries than you list, but is not limited only to people from South Asia – anyone with a yen for all things South Asian are invited to chip in.

    I have a brief post up on my blog with Eric’s points and my contact information if anyone would like to join up/contribute –

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