Building, publishing, and maintaining a website can be a lot of work: but it doesn’t have to come with a lot of cost, thanks to our website hosting tips to help you save. Here are six easy steps to extreme savings on hosting packages:
Buy longer periods of time
The easiest way to cut website hosting costs by 50% or more is an easy one: buy longer subscriptions each time you renew. Like most subscription-based services, web hosting companies like myHosting and HostPapa offer longer terms of service at deeply discounted rates. A quick, simple way to save a bundle, and make sure your website is up and running for years to come.
Use email/hosting/etc. through one service instead of multiple
Another simple way to save involves a bit of homework: before selecting a web hosting, email, or other web-centric service, shop around and see what sites offer the best all-in-one deals. Most companies will offer a number of custom email addresses and other tools with their packages, like security services, content creation tools, and search engine optimization. Streamline everything by doing it through one company: it’s guaranteed to save money, thanks to the variety of sales, discounts, and all-in-one packages nearly all web hosting companies offer.
Buy cheap web hosting
Of course, the easiest way to cut down on hosting costs is to purchase cost-effective hosting. There are many reputable providers to choose from, but Hostgator provides the highest mix of value and service. However, they don’t make it easy to search for good discounts. You need to use a website like, where you can find the best Hostgator coupon code for the duration of your web hosting. Beware of web hosting that’s too cheap as there’s always a catch. This is why we recommend Hostgator because their hosting is solid and without any “gimmicks”.
Simple design + Wordpress = savings
Many people who build websites think there’s a huge amount of time and cost involved with the design and day-to-day maintenance of a site: we’re here to tell you that’s not true. Thanks to Wordpress, a free program available through one-click installation with a Namecheap hosting plan, users can build a website in minutes, and keep it current and active with ease. Full of ready-made site designs and a plethora of easy-to-use tools and plug-ins, Wordpress is an essential program for any website to have: and it’s free, almost completely eliminating the cost of having someone come in to build and a keep a website running and functional.
Buy as much storage and bandwidth as possible
Although it might seem more cost-efficient initially to get a small amount of space to build a website, it’s a bad idea. Not only will it make it more expensive in the future to expand (and move to a new server or host, if necessary), but smaller hosting packages come with smaller amounts of bandwidth, immediately limiting the amount of people that can access content on your site at any given time. Buying more space from the get go might be a little more costly up front, but will pay off dividends quickly, preventing you from having to add more space and bandwidth at the risk of extra cost.
Monetize with affiliate/referral programs
Getting a website up and running is easy: making it profitable (if it’s not inherently a marketplace) is a lot more difficult. Taking advantage of the affiliate and referral programs at sites like myHosting and Namecheap is – at the very least – a great way to eliminate web hosting costs, if not a possible revenue stream for a site, depending on its focus. The policies at every web hosting company are unique, but generally speaking, most offer programs that reward existing users for bringing in new customers, usually in the form of account credit towards the next bill cycle (or when adding a new service to an existing plan).
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