How to Pick a Writing Desk That Works Best for Your Workflow

writing desk woman at desk

When working from home, having the right tools can make or break your flow of work. As a writer, that flow is sacred and hard to keep if the room around you does not feel balanced. The space you use as your writing desk is a huge part of that balance. Obviously, you do not always have to use the same exact desk and chair to write each day. But, having a dedicated office space to work at is great for consistency. Sure you can go to a coffee shop, or go anywhere to take in a change of scenery while getting some writing done.

And of course, there is nothing wrong with a lap desk in bed on a cold and rainy day every once in a while. Nevertheless, below are 3 essential qualities to look for in a writing desk.

Save some time and buy our recommended writing desk on Amazon.

  • Ergonomic

Including ergonomics in your desk decision requires thought into the best positions for your body, desk, and chair to be in while writing in order to maximize your productivity. To accommodate desks that sit too high or too low on a person, many chairs will change their levels. To go a step further, desks are now being made to cater more closely to the personalization of the perfect working height and adjust to that.

Ergonomically correct furniture is essential for your health, especially if you are working from home. Creating a space that fits into the same area you sleep and eat at can be challenging enough without thinking about the upkeep of your posture.

  • Compatibility with your style

When it comes to your style, desks have no shortage of iniquities. If you are someone who needs to be up and walking, you can purchase a walking pad underneath an adjustable desk, making it so you can sit or walk and work whenever you would like. For writers who prefer a very simple and sleek writing experience, there are plenty of minimally designed desks to cater to the minimalistic working style. On the opposite end of that, desks with lots of bells and whistles are all over the market as well. Do not be afraid to bring your style into your desk choice, because you are the one who will be using it each day.

  • Comfort and Practicality

Finding the perfect writing desk is not just about style and how it visually looks, it’s also about comfort. Is the desk easy to sit at? Does it feel natural? If you feel strange sitting at your own desk, it will be much harder to produce from that space.

Comfort also has to do with the durability of the desk. If the desk does not feel like it can support everything you need in regards to weight or space, then it will automatically not be the desk for you. Having a desk that can feel clean and put together is essential for creating a productive workspace. If a desk does not easily support a laptop or desktop along with all of your essentials such as pens, a lamp, and other miscellaneous items, it is safe to say you can keep looking for a better fit.

See Also

Practicality, which goes along with comfort, is another building block to finding the perfect writing desk. The mark of a great desk is its ability to stand out in a room. Additionally, it’s to transport you into a realm of creativity all at once. Sitting down at your writing desk should ease your mind to a place where your productivity flows.

Pull it All Together

The importance of choosing the right desk for your workflow and style can be a crucial step in the work-from-home experience. Take into account your working style and what you feel is important to your workflow. For some people, being able to move around a lot throughout the day is important. So, choosing an electric adjustable desk is great so they can stand or place a walking pad under.

Save some time and buy our recommended writing desk on Amazon.


Now that you know the most important things to look for in a writing desk, you can confidently get to work on finding the perfect desk for your writing workspace.

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Picture of Adeline Howell

Adeline Howell

Adeline is a graduate of the University of North Carolina at Charlotte where she majored in Communications with a concentration in Public Relations and Journalism. Currently living in Charlotte, she enjoys reading, volleyball, and strolling through her favorite farmers markets with her Goldendoodle Theo.



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