Yesterday, I started this series on the Learning the Art of Guest Blogging, about the lessons I’m going to learn during the next two months of celebrating blogging and WordPress on Lorelle on WordPress in honor of the second anniversary of and my blog.
I posted a some references and resources to help you learn more about guest blogging, both from the guest blogger’s perspective as well as the host blogger’s perspective. As I read through those articles, I found myself coming up with a lot of questions not answered.
Today, I want to share those questions with you, and on Monday and Tuesday, I’ll use your responses and more of my research to answer those questions.
- How do I make a plan for a guest blogging series?
- How do I get the usernames and passwords to all of the guest bloggers?
- How should my blog be set up for guest bloggers, letting my readers know which posts are mine and which are from guest bloggers?
- How should the guest blog posts be scheduled? Do I need date constraints, a calendar, some way of scheduling them so they aren’t all released on the same day?
- Will I need to teach them about how to use my version of WordPress?
- What funky things are on my blog that might not be on theirs that might interfere or confuse them when they come to blog?
- What things do I need to tell and warn guest bloggers about such as how to handle:
- Comments
- Comment Spam
- Writing Titles
- Graphic Images
- Headings
- Blockquotes
- Creating Links
- Tags and Categories
- How much should I dictate/help when it comes to their guest blog content?
- What legal responsibilities do I need to consider by hosting guest bloggers?
I’m sure I’ve missed some of the questions I need to know to make this guest blogging series a success. I want to make the experience as easy as possible for the guest bloggers, while taking some of the stress off my shoulders by understanding how it works and how I can make it work better for everyone involved.
If you’ve hosted guest bloggers before, or have been a guest blogger, I’d love to hear from you on how to make this guest blogging experience a success.
The Art of Guest Blogging Series
- Learning the Art of Guest Blogging
- The Art of Guest Blogging: How Do I Help Guest Bloggers Blog?
- The Art of Blogging: How Does Guest Blogging Work?
- The Art of Guest Blogging: What Do Guest Bloggers Need to Know About Your Blog to Guest Blog
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