Happy Monday, folks! The big news this week is the release of Movable Type 4.24. Both a security and a feature release, this version is considered a mandatory upgrade. Here are a few details you should know, straight from the official announcement:
- Release Type: Security Release. This update fixes a serious potential vulnerability which has not yet been exploited in the wild.
- Mandatory? Yes, this is a mandatory security upgrade.
- Performance Implications: None.
- Plugins Affected: None. Your current plugins should continue to work as expected.
- Templates Affected: None.
- System Requirements: This release has no new or additional system requirements.
- Licensing considerations: None. MT 4.24 is a free update for users of any version of MT 4.x.
- Upgrade Fatigue: No further mandatory updates are planned for Movable Type 4.2.
Besides the security fixes, this version includes a new password recovery system. Instead of the “password hint” no one could ever remember, MT will now email you a password reset link. This is a huge improvement, so I’m glad Six Apart pushed it out with this security release.
We’ve got one plugin to tell you about this week. Dan Wolfgang released More Custom Fields, which adds some new features to MT’s existing custom fields. With this plugin you can create a group of checkboxes, or a radio button group with an “other” text box associated with it.
Finally, Kevin Wu brings us a few notable food blogs built with MT. I’m surprised his list didn’t include Serious Eats, but the ones he does mention are all excellent.
What have you done with MT this week? Let us know in the comments.
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