Offworld is the latest blog in the Boing Boing network, and it is all about computer and videogames. Edited by Brandon Boyer, a familiar name for some of us that used to hail the Edge mag, it is bound to be something interesting. At least I hope so, and Boyer’s welcome post promises a lot:
As Offworld lifts off over the coming weeks and months, I’ll be bringing to it a focus on the overlooked, the underappreciated, the rise of the independents and, in general, the games that are bringing genuine excitement and innovation (in both gameplay and design) to the industry.
Focusing on the indie games is a nice call if you ask me. There’s a lot of games developed by small studios out there, some are crap, some decent, and a few pretty innovating.
That doesn’t mean that Offworld won’t cover your average EA title and the latest Guitar Hero installation. The blockbusters will get their fair share as well, which is all well and good I guess. Not that Offworld would have much of a choice, if they want to rake in their ad dollars – which they most definitely dp – they’ll have to at least mention the latest Madden game around Thanksgiving, and herald the MMO king in nightly rituals.
With Boing Boing backing Offworld, it is sure to get its readership. Getting Brandon Boyer to edit it is a great call as well. A gaming blog fits nicely in the Boing Boing network as well, joining the gadget blog as well as adding extra content to bbTV.