There have been many articles written on the mistakes you can make with your blog, but none sum it up as nicely, in my opinion, as the one written by Alan Johnson over on John Chow’s blog.
He provides ten things you can do to ruin your blog, and they are all great tips that everyone looking to monetize their blogs should follow.
1 – Working on something you are not passionate about
2 – Diving right in
3 – Expecting momentum to last
4 – Expecting results overnight
5 – Not promoting your website
6 – Using website promotion as an excuse to ignore content
7 – Doing a bad job of monetizing your website
8 – Putting all of your eggs in one basket
9 – Spreading yourself too thin
10 – Not maximizing results
I have had issues with many of these, and while Alan makes some great points in the post about how you can go about avoiding these issues, there is no real step-by-step guide to making a successful site that will make you a fair bit of money. Blogging is hard work, especially when you are looking to turn a profit. I highly recommend checking this article out if you want a good quick start on what to avoid.
What would you add to this list, leave your thoughts in the comments below.
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