Blog Your Passions?

So you are new to blogging, and have thankfully decided not to chase after high paying keywords just to make a quick buck. Instead, you are going to blog about your hobby or passions. On other posts, I have said this is a great idea, but after reading the article, my wife turned to me and laughed saying, “but you don’t do most of those things anymore…”

The sad part was, she was right. Since changing my passions into what amounts to work, I rarely get time to keep up on all the latest news, as well as taking the time to enjoy actually doing those things.

One of my biggest passions is science fiction, and it has been since I was very young, but in the last two years, I haven’t taken much time to involve myself in the science fiction community, or really stay up to date on what is going on. Another of my biggest passions is technology, another thing I don’t really keep up with today. It seems I only involve myself in these things enough to blog about them, and there has been a shift in my perceptions due to that.

It is with this in mind that I recommend everyone use any time off they have to go back, and take the time to rediscover what made you enjoy your hobbies and passions so much because if all the things you enjoy in life become work, then what’s the point?

See Also

Blogging should be something you enjoy, and an avenue for expression. If it isn’t something you enjoy, take a break, re-assess, and come back with more knowledge and passion than before. We will all be here online when you get back, despite what the “experts” may tell you.

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Picture of David Peralty

David Peralty

A Canadian problogger for over two years, David shares his insights from working on over 5000 posts. Currently employed as the Head of Marketing for Splashpress Media. Check out his personal blog at and his blog about his experiences at eXtra for Every Publisher.



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