So about an hour (or two) ago, my PC encountered the infamous Blue Screen of Death, an event that was ironically triggered by iTunes having “heart attack” while syncing to my iPhone.
Normally when an event like this happens I break out into a geek sweat, moaning about all of the software I have to redownload and burning the midnight oil restoring backups from the cloud.
This time I have no intention of redownloading any software (save for Skype, Paint.NET and unfortunately iTunes) as I no longer need them thanks to the various apps on the iPhone.
But whether you are an iFan boy or have crossed over to the dark side (for a Droid), you NEED a smart phone for 3 simple reasons:
Image Credit: George Lucas, Star Wars
Backup: What would a Jedi do if he lost his light saber? He (or she) would probably not enjoy a long life–unless they had a backup (like a blaster gun).
If your PC or Mac (or both) was damaged in a lightening storm, stolen or had a gallon of juice dumped upon it by kids, you would be out of service (as well as out of money).
A smart phone allows you to “hold down the fort” until your new machine arrives.
Cost: We’re living in the greatest recession since the Great Depression, so finding ways to curb costs is important.
I’ve personally saved well over $2,000 via various apps (that together cost me less than $50), and thanks to Apple, Blackberry and Google companies are hesitant about charging more than $10 per app.
Desire: Lets face it, all the cool kids have one, and there is no greater way of bringing glory to “the way of the geek” than by owning one.
Smartphone’s also have another useful function: ice breakers.
In other words it’s a great way to help you introduce yourself to new people, and (eventually) point them to your blog.
Regardless whether you choose a Blackberry, Palm Pre, an Android device or a glorious iPhone (be sure to select 3GS), you as a blogger need a smartphone (which would make a perfect Christmas gift “hint, hint”).
Especially when your computer takes forever to format thanks to ginormous hard drives (but I’m not complaining–just venting that’s all).
— Posted from my iPhone
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